Piscies Style: Design for Your Sign
Hello All! We hope you are enjoying these tips and tidbits with a fun trip around the sky. We are about Well-Design, because your wellness matters. When cleaning around the house, we recommend utilizing essential oils. Imagine pleasant smells, calming fragrances, and chemicals that can be eaten and are non-toxic? We carry these and CBD Oils. We have classes on how to use these oils and how they can help your pets. We help you design for your senses by using touch, audio, sight, smell and taste. We understand that nutrition and organic foods are important, as they help you to improve your mood by focusing on what you eat. When it comes to mindfulness, we have the experts and the knowledge. The articles we write are from the heart because we are family. We hope you are enjoying our newsletter with the new feature: Design for Your Sign, where Haley Comet of Haley Comet Astrology provides you with astrological updates and some great new product ideas. This month, we’re diving into the Pisces ocean, and exploring what interior design styles this dreamy water sign is drawn to.
Pisces, the Fish. An Imaginative, Idealistic Fish.
Pisces season is the time of year we dive deep into our emotions, our spiritual beliefs, and our big picture visions. This sign is the last of the zodiac. They are known for their deep, sensitive dispositions with a tendency to absorb the emotions of those around them, whether they intend to or not! This mutable water sign is represented by two fish – one that is swimming up and one that is swimming down. This duality encapsulates the Piscean spirit. They live their lives with one foot (or fin!) in reality, and the other in their own mystical imagination. Some Pisces find this balance between the real world and their dream world effortlessly, manifesting their dreams and creating beautiful, magical lives for themselves. Some Pisces opt to live squarely in their dream worlds, self-medicating via fantasies and escaping reality at every turn.
Pisces’ ruler is Jupiter, the planet of faith, optimism, and luck. Pisces has an endless quest for wisdom, for spirituality, and for something bigger than themselves to believe in. When untethered to a cause, vision, or spiritual belief bigger than themselves, they can feel like a fish out of water, so it’s important for Pisces to connect to something that makes them feel connected to the universe – whether it’s a religion, a personal spirituality, a connection to nature or an artistic flow.
Pisces interior design will inspire the same allure that these elusive fish do! These fish are the most sensitive in the zodiac, and they crave a calming sanctuary that will allow them to reset and rejuvenate. As a water sign, they may feel extra at ease when surrounded by ocean palate – seafoam greens, deep aquamarines, and shimmery blues. Since this sign is associated with spirituality and religion, some totems that remind them of their deeper purpose will make their living space as inspirational as it is livable.
As a water sign, Pisces will feel calm when surrounded by colors and images that remind them of the ocean.
As a mystical dreamy sign, Pisces will love touches like this charming frog lamp, that add just the slightest bit of storybook magic to their sanctuary.
Pisces Season this year is February 20 – March 20, 2021. Let this season inspire you to strip back the layers of your soul, connect to your deeper belief system, and flow with the currents of life.
Pisces, we adore you for your compassionate heart, your willingness to dream, and your artistic flair. May this upcoming trip around the sun bring even more connection your way!